1- Disclaimer

contact us if you need any help regarding Rhino related issues.

About the value of this training

We have invested more than a decade of experience in this training. To develop a training module like this one takes us at least three months. You and your company paid for this in time and money. Please keep this in mind in case you’re considering giving this training (or the associated training files) away, or even worse, publishing it on internet. There is no way we can prevent this with protections. Actually we don’t even want to try. We simply trust you on this.
  • Training based on Rhino version 5.0
  • Training Manual September 2017
  • Copyright RhinoCentre 2012-2017,  All Rights Reserved
  • This manual is part of the training curriculum offered by RhinoCentre
  • Please don't share this training module with other people
  • It is forbidden to make digital or hard copies of this training module or a part of it
Note: Rhinoceros is a registered trademark and Rhino is a trademark of Robert McNeel& Associates. All other brand or product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective holders.  

4- Before you start

Exercise 1: Before you start
  • Make sure 'Grid Snap' is turned off and 'Ortho', 'Osnap' and 'Planar' is turned on in the status bar (Fig.2)
[caption id="attachment_8667" align="alignnone" width="700"] Fig.2: Osnap toolbar & Status bar[/caption] [caption id="attachment_8662" align="alignright" width="412"] Fig.3: Layer manager panel[/caption]
  • Make sure that the Osnap toolbar is visible (Fig.2). If it’s not, go to 'Tools' > 'Object Snap' > and check 'Persistent Osnap Dialog'
  • In the Osnap toolbar (Fig.2), turn on the following object snaps: 'End', 'Near', 'Point', 'Mid', 'Cen', 'Int'
  • Make sure the Layer manager panel is visible (Fig.3). If it’s not, then run the _Layer command
  • Download now the necessary training files: M0R1 - Training Files - Online
  • Make sure to store the files in a secure place on your hard drive.
  • Now copy the training files folder to the desktop. This makes it most easy to access the necessary files during the training.
  • At last, create a new folder on your desktop and name it "WIP" (Work In Progress). In this folder you can save your training files thus keeping the original files clean.

Rhino viewport orientation

At this point one word about Rhino viewport orientation in Rhino. In naval architecture, the hull center line orientation is along the X-axis which is unfortunately inconsistent with the Rhino viewport setup because:
  • The side view of the hull is called 'Front' in Rhino.
  • The front view is called 'Right' in Rhino.
It is possible to rename views in Rhino, however to avoid confusion with other Rhino users and when working with Rhino files from other people, this training uses Rhino default viewport names.    

5- AutoCAD DWG input

6- Working with PDF

7- Using Images

8- Put it in use

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