Scan & Solve Educational

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Perform FEM/FEA strength analysis within Rhino and without the need for meshing your geometry. Optimize your design at an early stage!

Scan&Solve™ for Rhino is a plugin from Intact Solutions that completely automates basic structural simulation of Rhino solids. Unlike other analysis tools, no preprocessing (meshing, simplification, healing, translating, etc.) is needed.

Scan&Solve™ is built on a patented meshfree technology that liberates Finite Element Analysis (FEA) from the dependence on and limitations of meshing. The salient feature of the technology is separate handling and controls of geometric and physical computational models that are seamlessly combined at solution run time. The advantages of this approach include unprecedented flexibility in handling geometric errors, small features, and complex boundary conditions, while maintaining most of the benefits of classical finite element analysis.

At RhinoCentre we have tested Scan&Solve. Read more in our article.

Scan&Solve at RhinoCentre

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